The UK is transitioning slowly, but surely out of the lockdown and back to normality. In preparation for that, BlockMark Technologies have taken the initative to develop a COVID-19 immunity verification system. This method, untilises BlockMark Technologies speciality, the Blockchain to create a full-proof system to verify our medical records so we can safely venture beyond our borders once again.

To accomplish our mission to help re-open borders safely, BlockMark Technologies have been awarded funding from Innovate UK to develop these passports. BlockMark Technologies has been developing an enterprise-grade certification system called ‘Registry’ which pulls from a plethora of certicates and credentials connected to a persons medical history. With this method we can allow COVID-19 immune verified persons to travel beyond our border to the rest of the world safely.
Tom Alcott talks further on the subject:
Our approach is to update and modernise a practice that currently works in the world today, such as Yellow Fever Certificates for travellers which have been around since the 1930’s. Recently passports have become digitised with additional biometrics but International Certificates of Vaccination and Prophylaxis (ICVPs) remain on pieces of card, often illegibly signed by a local GP. They are also nearly impossible to verify. Our technology would enable immunisation evidence to be simply displayed on smart phones with a fall-back option for those without such a device.
Tom Alcott, CEO at BlockMark Technologies
You can read more about how Blockmark technologies were granted this opportunity on Business & Innovation Magazine